— Filed Under: "Remember Enescu" Cultural Foundation > Competitions > The International Competition “Remember Enescu” > THE INTERNATIONAL COMPETITION “REMEMBER ENESCU “2023, 25 – 30 September
Registration form
The Cultural Foundation “REMEMBER ENESCU” announces the launch of registrations for the international competition, the hybrid version, which will take place between 25-30 september, in Timisoara.
The contest has reached the 21th edition and is addressed to young people in the field of classical music, aged between 11-24 years.
-the registration deadline – 4 september 2023
-the competition consist of 3 categories: Violin, Piano and Canto, with physical presence. The Composition section will take place online
-the registration conditions and details can be found by accessing the website: www.rememberenescu.ro
-for additional information, send the questions by email at contact@rememberenescu.ro
The project is implemented in partnership with the Faculty of Music and Theater of the University of West Timisoara.
- The International Competition “REMEMBER ENESCU” 2023 will take place between 25-30 september 2023 at the University of West Timisoara and is open to young performers.
- The competition is organized in the following categories:
- Category A – born after January 1, 2011
- Category B – born between 2010-2006
- Category C – born between 2005-1999
- The candidates may apply for a higher category.
- The competition will have two rounds, the first one being eliminatory.
- The registration form will be available on the website www.rememberenescu.ro. In the registration form, all the required information must be filled in; all fields are required.
- The competition repertory will be performed from memory, with the exception of the Sonata by George Enescu from Category C.
- The competitors will have their own accompanist.
- The organizers will provide the contact details of the competition's official accompanists on the website www.rememberenescu.ro. They can be contacted directly and their employment is done by the competitors.
- The Jury members is chosen among personalities of Romanian and international musical life.
- The prizes will be awarded by the Jury.
- The Jury will be able to award the Grand Prize "Remember Enescu" 2023, to the most valuable competitor, regardless of the Section and Category in which he participated, in the Competition Gala.
- Three awards may be given for each category, mentions, special awards and certificates of merit.
- The prizes will be in money, objects and programming in concerts with the orchestra, as well as in important events of the Foundation.
- The professors and the accompanists of the competitors will receive honorary diplomas.
- The participation fee is 80 euros in lei at the BNR rate of the day and will be deposited in the bank account of the Cultural Foundation REMEMBER ENESCU – RO 72 RNCB 0071 0114 3484 0001 BCR - Griviţa
FIRST STAGE – eliminatory
Category A
- One etude or caprice of own choice
- Enescu – Albu – “Adagio”
Category B
- One etude or caprice of own choice
- Baroque sonata or partita, two contrasting movements
- G.Enescu – “Nocturna” G dur or “Impromptu concertant”
Category C:
- J.S Bach - Partita or sonata, two contrasting movements.
- W.A Mozart – Concert of own choice, first movement with cadenza
- G.Enescu – Sonate op.6, nr.2, f moll, first mouvement – Assez mouvementé
Category A
- Piece of own choice
- Concert of own choice, first or third movement
- G.Enescu – “Pastorale”
Category B
- Piece of own choice
- Concert of own choice, first movement or second and third movements
- G.Enescu – “Ballad”
Category C
- Piece of own choice
- Complete concert at own choice
- G. Enescu –Suite “Childhood Impressions”, “Lautarul” (The country fiddler)
The scores of the works imposed by the competition can be found on the website www.rememberenescu.ro
Category A
- Enescu – Albu – Adagio pentru vioara
- Enescu – Albu – Adagio pentru pian
- George Enescu – Pastorală pentru vioara
- George Enescu – Pastorală pentru pian
Category B
- George Enescu – Nocturna pentru vioara
- George Enescu – Nocturna pentru pian
- George Enescu - Impromptu concertant pentru vioara
- George Enescu - Impromptu concertant pentru pian
- George Enescu – Baladă pentru vioara
- George Enescu – Baladă pentru pian
Category C
- George Enescu – Sonata op.6, nr.2 în fa minor, p.I – Assez mouvementé – pentru vioara
- George Enescu – Sonata op.6, nr.2 în fa minor, p.I – Assez mouvementé – pentru pentru pian
- George Enescu – “Lautarul” din Suita “Impresii din copilarie”
The Jury will be able to award the Grand Prize "Remember Enescu" 2023, to the most valuable competitor, regardless of the Section and Category in which he participated, in the Competition Gala.
Three awards may be given for each category, mentions, special awards and certificates of merit.
The prizes will be in money, objects and programming in concerts with the orchestra, as well as in important events of the Foundation.
The professors and the accompanists of the competitors will receive honorary diplomas.
Information soon
Information soon
- The International Competition “REMEMBER ENESCU” 2023 will take place between 25-30 September 2023 at the University of West Timisoara and is open to young performers.
- The competition is organized in the following categories:
- Category A – born after January 1, 2011
- Category B – born between 2010-2006
- Category C – born between 2005-1999
- The competitors may apply for a higher category.
- The competition will have two rounds, the first one being eliminatory.
- The registration form will be available on www.rememberenescu.ro. In the registration form, all the required information must be filled in; all fields are required.
- The competition repertory must be performed from memory.
- The Jury members will be chosen among personalities from Romanian and international music life.
- The prizes will be awarded by the Jury. The jury will award the Grand Prize "Remember Enescu" 2023, to the most valuable competitor, regardless of the Section and Category in which he participated, in the Competition Gala. The Grand Prize is indivisible.
- Three awards may be given for each category, mentions, special awards and certificates of merit. The prizes will be in money, objects and programming in concerts with the orchestra, as well as in important events of the Foundation.
- The professors and the accompanist of the competitors will receive honorary diplomas.
- The participation fee is 80 euros in lei at the BNR rate of the day and will be deposited in the bank account of the Cultural Foundation REMEMBER ENESCU – RO 72 RNCB 0071 0114 3484 0001 BCR - Griviţa
FIRST STAGE – eliminatory
Category A
- One etude or piece of virtuosity
- Baroque piece
- G.Enescu – “Suite in ancient style” op.3 in g minor, “Prelude”
Category B
- One etude or piece of virtuosity
- Baroque piece
- G.Enescu - Suite nr.3, op.18 in e minor “Voix de la steppe” or “Appassionato”
Category C
- One etude or piece of virtuosity
- Baroque piece
- G.Enescu – Suite nr.2, op.10 in D major, “Toccata” or “Pavana”
Category A
- Sonata or Sonatina, first part or Theme with variations
- Romantic piece
- G.Enescu – “Suite in ancient style” op.3 in g minor, “Finale”
Category B
- Sonata or Sonatina, first part or Theme with variations
- Romantic piece
- G.Enescu – “Suite in ancient style” op.3 in g minor, “Fuga” or Suite nr.3, op.18 in e minor "Bourlesque"
Category C
- Sonata or sonatina, first part or Theme with variations
- Romantic piece
- G.Enescu – Suite nr.2, op.10 in D major, “Bouree”or “Sarabanda”
The scores of the works imposed by the competition can be found on the website www.remeberenescu.ro
Category A
- G.Enescu - Suita în stil vechi op.3 în sol minor, “Preludiu”
- G.Enescu - Suita în stil vechi op.3 în sol minor, “Finale”
Category B
- G.Enescu - Suita nr.3, op.18 în mi minor “Voix de la steppe”
- G.Enescu - “Appassionato”
- G.Enescu - Suita în stil vechi op.3 în sol minor, “Fuga”
- G.Enescu - "Bourlesque"
Category C
- G.Enescu - Suita op.10 în Re major, “Toccata”
- G.Enescu - Suita op.10 în Re major, “Pavana”
- G.Enescu - Suita op.10 în Re major, “Bouree”
- G.Enescu - Suita op.10 în Re major, “Sarabanda”
The jury will award the Grand Prize "Remember Enescu" 2023, to the most valuable competitor, regardless of the Section and Category in which he participated, in the Competition Gala.
The Grand Prize is indivisible.
Three awards may be given for each category, mentions, special awards and certificates of merit.
The prizes will be in money, objects and programming in concerts with the orchestra, as well as in important events of the Foundation.
The professors and the accompanist of the competitors will receive honorary diplomas.
- The International Competition “REMEMBER ENESCU” 2023 will take place between 25-30 September 2023 at the University of West Timisoara and is open to young performers.
- The competition is organized in the following categories:
- Category A – IX-XII classes (15 – 18 years old)
- Category B – students and master (18 – 25 years old)
- The competitors may apply for a higher category.
- The competition will have two rounds, the first one being eliminatory.
- The registration form will be available www.rememberenescu.ro. In the registration form, all the required information must be filled in; all fields are required.
- The competition repertory must be performed from memory.
- Competitors will perform in the competition with their own accompanist.
- The details contact of official competition accompanist can be found on www.rememberenescu.ro.
- They can be contacted directly and will be paid by the competitors.
- The Jury members will be chosen among personalities of Romanian and international music life.
- The prizes will be awarded by the Jury, its decisions being finale.
- The jury will award the Grand Prize "Remember Enescu" 2023, to the most valuable competitor, regardless of the Section and Category in which he participated, in the Competition Gala.
- The Grand Prize is indivisible.
- Three awards may be given for each category, mentions, special awards and certificates of merit.
- The prizes will be in money, objects and invitations in concerts with the orchestra, as well as in important events of the Foundation.
- The professors and the accompanist of the competitors will receive honorary diplomas.
- The participation fee is 80 euros in lei at the BNR rate of the day and will be deposited in the bank account of the Cultural Foundation REMEMBER ENESCU – RO 72 RNCB 0071 0114 3484 0001 BCR - Griviţa
FIRST STAGE – eliminatory
Category A
- An aria from Opera, of own choice Or W.A.Mozart – Concert Aria
- G. Enescu – The Lied “Aux damoiselles paresseuses d’escrime à leurs amys” on lyrics by Clément Marot
- Enescu - The Lied “Languir me fais…” on lyrics by Clément Marot
Category B
- An aria from Opera, of own choice
- A Lied from universal repertory
- G.Enescu – The Lied “Estrene de la rose” on lyrics by Clément Marot
- Enescu - The Lied “Du conflict en douleur” on lyrics by Clément Marot
Category A
1.A pre-classical or oratory aria
- A Lied from universal repertory
- G.Enescu – The Lied “Estrene à Anne” on lyrics by Clément Marot
- Enescu - The Lied “Présent de couleur blanche” on lyrics by Clément Marot
Category B
- A pre-classical or oratory aria
- Opéra aria from universal repertory
- G.Enescu – The Lied “Le Desert” on lyrics by Jules Lemaitre
- Enescu - The Lied “Changeons propos, c’est trop chanté d’amours…” on lyrics by Clément Marot
The scores of the works imposed by the competition can be found on the website
Categoria A
- G.Enescu – Liedul “Aux damoyselles paresseuses d’escrire à leurs amys” pe versuri de Clément Marot
- G.Enescu - Liedul “Languir me fais…” pe versuri de Clément Marot
- G.Enescu – Liedul “Estrene à Anne” pe versuri de Clément Marot
- G.Enescu - Liedul “Présent de couleur blanche” pe versuri de Clément Marot
Categoria B
- G.Enescu – Liedul “Estrene de la rose” pe versuri de Clément Marot
- G.Enescu - Liedul “Du conflict en douleur” pe versuri de Clément Marot
- G.Enescu – Liedul “Le Desert” pe versuri de Jules Lemaitre
- G.Enescu - Liedul “Changeons propos, c’est trop chanté d’amours…” pe versuri de Clément Marot
FIRST STAGE – eliminatory
1.W.A.Mozart – A duet of own choice
2.A duet from universal repertory
- G.Verdi – A duet of own choice
- A duet from universal repertory
The jury will award the Grand Prize "Remember Enescu" 2023, to the most valuable competitor, regardless of the Section and Category in which he participated, in the Competition Gala.
The Grand Prize is indivisible.
Three awards may be given for each category, mentions, special awards and certificates of merit.
The prizes will be in money, objects and invitations in concerts with the orchestra, as well as in important events of the Foundation.
The professors and the accompanist of the competitors will receive honorary diplomas.
Information coming soon
Information coming soon
- The International Competition “REMEMBER ENESCU” 2023 will take place between 25-30 September 2023 at the University of West Timisoara and is open to young composers, born after 1999.
- Solo works will be presented for any instrument or voice and a chamber work, including or not a solo voice, in formulas from duo to trio.
- The registration form will be available on the website www.rememberenescu.ro.
- A google account is required to complete the form and upload the sheet music in pdf format and possibly the recording in mp3 or mp4 format, if available.
- In the registration form, all the required information must be filled in; all fields are required.
- It is recommended to use a video camera or phone in landscape mode, at the best possible quality, without exceeding the file size of 10 GB.
- The jury is made up of personalities from musical field.
- The prizes will be awarded by the Jury.
- Three awards may be given for each category, mentions, special awards and certificates of merit.
- The prizes will be in money, CD and programming important events of the Foundation.
- The professors and the accompanist of the competitors will receive honorary diplomas.
- The participation fee is 80 euro in lei at the BNR rate of the day and will be deposited in the bank account of the Cultural Foundation REMEMBER ENESCU RO 72 RNCB 0071 0114 3484 0001 BCR Griviţa
Information coming soon